In Kassel, in late April, extensive renovations took place in the former monastery of Renthof Kassel to convert the complex into a luxurious hotel/restaurant. With the first guests expected in May 2017 the scene at this more than 700 years old complex, just weeks before, was every bit as chaotic as one would expect. Trades people falling over each other on a work floor abuzz with a cacophony of carpentry, wood turning, sanding and painting. Ideal conditions, in other words, for coating the new sand cement floors in the cellars. The fact that that were no doors or frames on the floor, nor sufficient light, were mere details for the SolidLux team, which always brings its own UV lamps. All they need is a power point that works…
“The cellar floors have been coated. The corridor will be done once the hotel has opened. In between regular business, when it’s quieter.”
Installing a SolidLux floor coating
After the coating technicians had emptied the rooms, cleared the floors of excessive plaster, routed the edges, provided walls and floors with an epoxy primer and triangular mortar finish, and even installed a new floor drain, they could finally start on the job for which they had been hired: installing a SolidLux floor coating. And yes, that was the easy part.
Firstly, the sand cement floors were mechanically diamond sanded. Small pits in the floor were filled with SolidLux Putty and cured instantly with the aid of UV light. The fixed floor parts were again diamond sanded before applying a first coat of SolidLux Basecoat with 25% SolidLux Adhesive with a 6 mm roller. Upright edges were illuminated with a hand-held lamp; the floor was cured with a floor lamp. For an optimal finish a second coat of SolidLux Basecoat was applied and UV-cured before installing a finishing SolidLux Topcoat in the colour SL 7001 with a 13 mm roller. Only one last round of UV light, and the supplier of the professional washing machines and change room lockers could move in.
The corridor to the cellars will be treated later, when the hotel has opened to the public. In between regular business, when it’s quieter.