Maintenance performed on gallery floor of retirement complex ‘Wilhelminastaete’.
Existing floor:
smooth floor finish on polyurethane basis.
The original floor is worn and slippery. The latter especially is a safety hazard for senior residents who often use mobility aids. Hence, it is important that nuisance from maintenance work is kept to a minimum: running partitions are cumbersome and difficult to access with a walking frame or a wheelchair. With SolidLux, such emergency provisions are not necessary. By treating the floor in sections the gallery continues to be accessible to residents, with no more than a 15 minute wait in between.
“I could cross the floor with my walking frame after 15 minutes to do my shopping!”
The existing floor is sanded and provided with two coats of SolidLux Basecoat. The second coat is sprinkled with kiln dried filter sand, 0.2-0.6. The surface is finished with a SolidLux Topcoat. After each coat a portable UV lamp is used for instant curing.